Coconut Oil

Coconuts are an excellent source of nutrition and have healthful meat, juice, and oil. The oil is arguably the most nutritious and has many health bene ts. Coconut oil is over 90% saturated fat and has antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It also has antioxidant properties and it helps in the absorption of other minerals.

Coconut oil is an incredible source of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which have been shown to have many health benefits.

MCFAs can help increase metabolism since they are sent directly to the liver and give the body an instant source of energy.


Some Uses of Coconut Oil

  1. Added to food or drinks daily for energy
  2. To lighten age spots when rubbed directly on the skin
  3. To support healthy thyroid function
  4. As a naturally SPF 4 sunscreen
  5. In homemade lotion recipes
  6. Topically to kill yeast or yeast infections
  7. As a delicious tropical massage oil
  8. It’s high Lauric acid and MCFA content helps boost metabolism
  9. A tiny dab rubbed on your hands and then through hair will help get rid of frizz
  10. Rubbed on lips as a natural chap stick
  11. There is some evidence that regular ingestion of coconut oil can help prevent or reverse Alzheimers
  12. As a Homemade sunscreen
  13. Mix a tablespoon with a tablespoon of chia seeds for an all-day energy boost (do NOT take this at night!)
  14. Improve cholesterol ratios
  15. Can help reduce appearance of varicose veins
  16. Is an immediate source of energy when eaten that isn’t stored as fat
  17. As a natural personal lubricant that won’t disturb vaginal flora
  18. Can reduce the itch of mosquito bites
  19. By itself as a great tanning oil
  20. Mixed with salt to remove dry skin on feet
  21. Can help speed weight loss when consumed daily
  22. Improves sleep when taken daily
  23. Many use it as an anti-aging facial moisturizer
  24. On cuticles to help nails grow
  25. Naturally clears up cold sores
  26. Helps with allergy symptoms
  27. Can increase mental alertness
  28. Serve to fuel mitochondria and produce far less damaging free radicals than carbs
  29. Modulates genetic regulation and helps prevent cancer
  30. Conversion of carotene into vitamin A